Cambridge Supports Campaign to End Gender-Based Violence

Published on 25 November 2024


The Town of Cambridge is proud to support the 16 Days in WA campaign, a global initiative raising awareness about gender-based violence.

Running from 25 November to 10 December 2024, the campaign aligns with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25 November and Human Rights Day on 10 December.

To support the campaign, the Town will host a dedicated webpage providing resources and information, complemented by a daily social media drive promoting education and awareness, and posters in communal areas throughout Town centres.

Cambridge Library is showcasing a special collection of more than 100 books and resources addressing gender-based violence, including titles from the 16 Days in WA reading list. This collection will be promoted through a library display, online catalogue, and social media.

“The Town of Cambridge is committed to raising awareness and promoting respectful relationships,” Mayor Gary Mack said.

“These initiatives provide vital resources and show our dedication to addressing gender-based violence.”

As part of its commitment, on 22 October, Council resolved to support the installation of a purple bench in Floreat to honour victims of gender-based violence. This initiative will be further considered as part of the 2024/25 mid-year budget review following community consultation.

Residents are encouraged to explore the gender-based violence awareness campaign via the Town’s website, library resources, and social media updates or the Department of Communities.