Birkdale Park Renewal

  • Project typePark Renewal
  • Project scheduleJanuary 2025 - April 2025
Birkdale Park - Final Concept.PNG

Last Updated: 06/11/2024

This project involves the renewal of Birkdale Park, Floreat, located between the Boulevard and Birkdale Street, Floreat. A considerable amount of the park is taken up by Floreat Park Tennis Club, and Floreat Park Primary School Kindergarten Campus. Due to these facilities, the park is segregated into three small open spaces with most of the amenity existing in the southwest corner.

The parks assets are ageing and a new barbeque, new furniture and playground are required. An opportunity exists to link the park and playground to the improved Cambridge/Birkdale precinct and improve this community and business interface.

There is also a potential for improved visual amenity through artwork on the Tennis Club "hit up" wall and continuation of gardens along Boulevard verge from the Rose Garden precinct.

Progress Updates

The Town has prepared a plan to illustrate the proposed upcoming works for the South Node of Birkdale Park. The South Node Landscape Plan illustrates the main amenity for the proposed renewal including:

  • New playground design, including nature play area
  • New fence and gate access
  • New additional shade sail
  • New furniture including drink fountain picnic setting and seating
  • New tree and native garden planting

This plan was prepared with collaboration from a workshop with Birkdale Park consultation group members in August. The outcomes of this session will be included in the final design of the park renewal which will be made available on the website when completed.  

The Birkdale Park final concept feedback survey has now closed. The survey was promoted via email to the consultation group, through local businesses and Floreat Park Primary and Tennis Club. Five responses were received during the four weeks it was open.

Results of the survey reinforce the final concept plan proposals, including the new playground, fencing the south node, and traffic calming. The final concept will remain unchanged and timing for the delivery of the project is pending budget approval.

Further consultation will be undertaken on the detailed design once funding has been confirmed.

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