Bus Shelter Replacement Program

  • Project schedule2024

Last Updated:28/01/2025

The Town’s bus shelter replacement programme allows for the installation of two to three bus shelters for each financial year. This is achieved through a programme administered by the Public Transport Authority (PTA), which provides the subsidy of up to 50 per cent for the shelters.

The Town has the responsibility to identify bus stops, which are eligible for upgrade and make recommendations to PTA, under the Bus Shelter Subsidy Programme (BSSP). PTA manage the scheduling and construction phase for these bus stop replacements.

Project Updates

In the 2023/24 financial year, three bus stops qualified for upgrade under the programme. The bus stop locations were:

  1. Cambridge Street, stop numbers 12775 - (St John of God Hospital)
  2. Cambridge Street, stop number 12771 - (after Holland Street)  
  3. Lissadell Street, stop number 17445 - (before Cambridge Street).

The Town also proposed to remove the bus shelter at stop number 19383, located on Templetonia Crescent in City Beach. PTA statistics showed that the boardings at this stop were only four per day. This shelter did not meet the replacement threshold of 15 or more boardings per day under the PTA Bus shelter replacement programme and is at the end of its service life.

Current Status

Works to replace the three eligible bus shelters and remove the shelter on Templetonia Cresent were completed last financial year.

The Town is investigating the replacement of shelters at the following bus stops in the 2024/2025 financial year:

  1. Floreat Avenue, stop number 17689 - (after Oceanic Drive)
  2. Cambridge Street, stop number 12737 - (before Marlow Street)
  3. Cambridge Street, stop number 12734 - (after Daglish Street).




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