Drabble Park | Waterwise Park Project
- Project typeWaterwise Park Project
- Project scheduleNovember 2023 to April 2025
The Town is acting on a Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) plan to reduce groundwater extraction by 10 per cent before 2028. This plan aims to rebalance the groundwater system to better match less rainfall in a drier climate. Initiatives promoting reduction of groundwater use are also linked to key actions within the Towns Urban Forest Strategy and Sustainability Strategy.
As a platinum Waterwise council, the Town of Cambridge will implement several projects in the coming years to continually reduce our reliance on groundwater extraction through our open spaces.
Drabble Park or Cobb/Drabble reserve is a shared Park with City of Stirling in City Beach / Wembley Downs, primarily used for dog walking and passive recreation. The park contains irrigation systems on both sides of the Council boundary. The ToC side of the boundary has steep slopes and large areas of natural vegetation embankment. The irrigation system is poor and contains ageing infrastructure which is suffering corrosion.
Drabble Park (or Cobb / Drabble Reserve) was nominated for irrigation decommission as it possesses significant opportunities for improvement, with little impact in the park user experience. There are also significant areas of open irrigated turf space within close walking distance of the site, as well as the northern section of the park within the City of Stirling which will remain irrigated.
Opportunities exist to improve the natural features of the park such as:
- Stabilising steep embankments and improving drainage functions in the park with natural solutions
- Improving and protection natural areas of the park with tree and shrub planting programs
- Improvements to the accessibility and amenity of the park with new pathways and furniture
- Improving biodiversity and fauna habitat
- Addressing concerns of anti social activity in the park
Progress Update
Update: Stage 1 works have now been completed, with new fencing, native coastal planting and refurbishment of existing basins for improved drainage. Significant stands of invasive Brazil Pepper trees have also been cleared.
Stage 2 works will continue in the coming months which will include new bench seats, a new pathway and the continuation of weed removal.
The final concept plan for the project has been completed and is available (HERE(PDF, 2MB)). This plan captures the outcomes of the community consultation phase which included a park use and values survey, a series of site tours with residents and a preliminary concept plan feedback collection and analysis. The consultation phase found that the main project objectives were:
- Stabilisation of the embankment and erosion prevention;
- Rehabilitation including weeding and replanting with native shrubs and trees;
- Enhancement of the park’s biodiversity and bird life;
- Prevention of access to embankment and anti-social behaviour
- Improved runoff capture and infiltration; and
- Concrete pathway along east edge of natural area.
The final concept plan will guide the development of the detailed design and construction phase. The initial stage will occur in the 2023/2024 financial year and include earthworks, drainage improvements, fencing, furniture and the commencement of weed control. Revegetation, new pathways and continuation of weed control will continue in the 2024/2025 financial year.
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