Urban Forest Accelerated Tree Planting

  • Project typeTree Planting
  • Project scheduleWinter 2024

The Town will ramp up the tree planting to offset the significant tree canopy loss now being experienced within the greater Perth metropolitan area due to pressure from increased population density, as well as threats from pest and diseases such as Polyphagous shot hole borer.

To accelerate tree planting within the Town of Cambridge and increase our urban forest canopy cover, the Town will plant an additional 1,000 trees during the 2023-24 financial year.

The additional 1,000 trees will bring the tree planting program up to 1,600 trees for planting in Winter 2024.

Project Updates

The Town has identified and allocated all tree planting locations across the Town for Winter 2024. Letters have been sent to all properties that either nominated to have a tree planted or were identified to have a tree planted on their verge next winter. The Towns tree team have worked with residents, from changing species to discussing the location on the verge where it provides as minimal impact as possible. The tree planting programme will commence in May 2024.