Floreat Surf Life Saving Club Upgrade Upgrades to the existing Floreat Surf Life Saving Clubs are currently in the design phase. The works will improve the building's disability access and other upgrades to improve capacity, safety, and community engagement.
Lake Monger Recreation Club Upgrade This project is intended to improve disability access into and within the Lake Monger Recreation Club as well as reconditioning and improving the layout of amenities whilst preserving the heritage of the existing building.
Leederville Sporting Club | UAT, Access Ramp, Alfresco, and Kitchen Upgrade of essential elements of Leederville Sporting Club to improve accessibility and functionality, and to provide an overall better communal space.
Sydney Cheek Pavilion Upgrade This project will renew and modernise the Sydney Cheek Pavilion to improve functionality, inclusivity, and accessibility for users.
Traffic Signals Pedestrian Facilities Upgrades | Townwide There are 16 signalised intersections within the Town of Cambridge. Improvements to these intersections are the Town’s responsibility with Main Roads WA (MRWA) being responsible for the approval of requests to upgrade intersections. MRWA are also responsible for the ongoing operation and maintenance of the traffic signals.
2024-2025 Asphalt Resurfacing Program: Roads, Laneways, and Footpath Renewing sections of roads that have been identified for resurfacing due to cracking, patching, rutting, roughness, texture loss, and general wear and tear.
Railway Parade Signalised Crossing | Northwood Intersection The implementation of pelican crossing west of the Northwood intersection.
Birkdale Park Renewal This project involves the community consultation and concept design for the upgrade of Birkdale Park, Floreat.
Drabble Park | Waterwise Park Project As a platinum waterwise council, the Town will implement several projects in the coming years to continually reduce our reliance on groundwater extraction through our open spaces.
Floreat Beach | Masterplan The Town is engaging with Floreat Beach users and stakeholders to determine the site's common values and key issues. This engagement will inform the development of a masterplan that captures the long-term vision of the precinct.
City Beach Park Lighting This will provide lighting to the pedestrian pathway network, including demolishing and removing the existing high-mast tower lights, which have reached their end of life.
Perry Lakes | Playground Replacement The playground south of West Lake was identified to be upgraded to a regional-scale play space.
Leederville Sporting Club – Irrigation Upgrade Leederville Sporting Club irrigation system is nearing the end of its design life and not fit for purpose for the facility. Currently the club is required to fit aluminium pipes to water the greens which are inefficient and cumbersome.
Rutter Park | Mindfulness Exercise Node Installation of state-of-the-art exercise equipment designed for senior fitness and wellness will be proposed. These items focus on improving balance, mobility, core strength, and motor skills.
Bus Shelter Replacement Program The Town is responsible for identifying bus stops eligible for upgrade and making recommendations to the PTA under the Bus Shelter Subsidy Programme (BSSP). The PTA manages the scheduling and construction phase for these bus stop replacements.
Jon Sanders Dr, Powis St and Harborne St Intersection Road Improvement The Jon Sanders Drive, Powis Street, and Harborne Street intersection was identified as having a high occurrence of crashes within a five-year period. This has made it eligible for road improvement funding in line with the Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA) Policy.
Road Rehabilitation Projects (MRRG) The Town of Cambridge receives Federal and State Government grants to facilitate rehabilitation work on eligible roads. This funding is typically utilised on higher order roads to ensure the condition of the road network is maintained and not degraded over the long term
Wembley Oval Rebuild The Town is planning to undertake a reconstruction of the sports turf at Wembley Oval.
City Beach & Perry Lakes Exercise Equipment Renewal The exercise equipment at Perry Lakes Reserve and City Beach Park has been identified as requiring renewal. To gain insight into how the existing equipment is currently being used, and to seek information on preferred future equipment and location, the Town is seeking community feedback.
Kingsland Park | Park Upgrade Kingsland Park is a local neighbourhood pocket park in City Beach located on the corner of Kingsland Avenue and West Coast Highway. The park assets are ageing and the playground has been identified as requiring replacement through our playground audit inspection program.
Playground Replacement Programme | 2024/2025 Several playgrounds in the Town have has been identified as requiring replacement or refurbishment through our playground audit inspection program. Playground replacements are programmed for Jubilee Park playground, City Beach and Donegal Park playground. Ocean Mia Park playground is planned to be refurbished. Local residents and park users will be consulted to inform the design for the playgroun
Lake Monger Drive | Signalised Pedestrian Crossing - Design Despite the challenges presented by high traffic volumes on Lake Monger Drive and the growing popularity of Lake Monger Reserve, significant progress has been achieved in identifying an appropriate location for safe pedestrian access.
Tara Vista Park Upgrade Tara Vista Park is a local neighbourhood park in West Leederville. The park assets are ageing and will be upgraded.
City Beach Vertical Wall & Groyne Repairs In 2023, the Town engaged a coastal and port engineering company to undertake a condition inspection of the Town's marine structures. The inspection highlighted maintenance repair works required on the Floreat Groyne and City Beach vertical wall.
City Beach Car Park Resurfacing In the 2024/25 financial year three carparks along the City Beach foreshore (C305,307 & 308) will be upgraded. The works will include the following: The existing black apshalt wearing course is to be replaced with red asphalt, Upgrades to drainage and kerb infrastructure and Parking bays, including ACROD bays to be installed to contempory standards
Foreshore Management Plan The Town of Cambridge has received funding from the Department of Planning Lands and Heritage to develop a 10 year Foreshore Management Plan.
Town Signage Replacement The Town will identify existing signage that has surpassed its lifesapan and needs replacement, and implement new signs according to the guidelnes outlined in the signage strategy.
Galup (Lake Monger) Greening Acceleration The proposed works include revegetation planting along the banks of the lake to improve biodiversity and habitat, and park and street tree planting to improve the poor canopy cover in the area.
Grantham Street Multi Intersection Treatment Review and Evaluation The Town, in consultation with Main Roads WA (MRWA) explored different treatments to improve safety, while limiting the impacts on adjacent intersections. This included a roundabout, traffic signals and various turning movement restrictions.
Ruislip Safe Active Street Evaluation The Ruislip Safe Active Street project involved the design and construction of a 3.8km Safe Active Street that forms part of the City Beach – West Leederville cycle corridor.