Cambridge Street Urban Corridor West Project
The Cambridge Street Urban Corridor West precinct is located along Cambridge Street/Oceanic Drive bound by Sunnyside Road in the west and Marlow Street in the east, and is identified for future development in the Town's endorsed Local Planning Strategy. For more planning information including a copy of the consultants Background Study, please refer to the Background at the bottom of the webpage.
The appointed consultant has finalised the background study and facilitated two community workshops to inform the draft concept plan. For more information on the outcomes of the workshops including a copy of the powerpoint from the night, please refer to Community Workshops at the bottom of the webpage.
The proposed vision, draft concept plans and the outcomes of the community workshops, were presented for feedback at the recent Community 'Drop-in' Open Session. To view the draft plans and posters presented on the day, please refer to Open Session and Draft Concept Plans at the bottom of the webpage.
For an overview of the future project stages, please refer to Next Steps at the bottom of the webpage.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Strategic Planning on (08) 9347 6000 or via
Background Study
A copy of the consultants Background Study & Site Analysis:
Background Study and Site Analysis(PDF, 6MB)
Traffic and Servicing Impact Assessments:
Appendix B - Traffic Impact Assessment (Stage 1)(PDF, 6MB)
Appendix C - Servicing Impact Assessment(PDF, 6MB)
Local Planning Strategy
The Cambridge Street Urban Corridor West precinct runs along Cambridge Street/Oceanic Drive from Sunnyside Road in Floreat, to Marlow Street in Wembley (refer to image below from the Local Planning Strategy).
The precinct was identified as an area for future development in the Town's Local Planning Strategy, with a dwelling estimate range of 325 to 450 additional dwellings, to contribute towards meeting the State Government's additional dwelling targets.
To assist with facilitating this increase, this project was endorsed as a priority project for the 2024/25 FY and includes preparing a background study (including on traffic and servicing) and community engagement workshops with residents and owners within or directly adjacent to the precinct.
The outcomes of these workshops have been used to prepare a draft concept plan for the precinct, which will be shown to the public for feedback at the upcoming Community 'drop-in' Open Session.
Following various reviews of the draft concept plan including after an Elected Member Forum, the consultant will finalise the precinct concept plan.
The Town will also use the feedback received from the community to inform and explore the planning framework required to assist with facilitating the proposed increase in development.
December 2023
At the December 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting, the Council endorsed Strategic Planning's projects for the 2023/24 FY, which included the Cambridge Street Urban Corridor West as a priority project.
Next Steps
Nov/Dec 2024 - Consultation Summary Report
Report summarising the outcomes of the Community Workshops and Open Session.
Nov/Dec 2024 - Final Concept Plan
Concept Plan finalised based on outcomes of previous project stages.
Dec 2024/Jan 2025 - Draft Planning Framework
Consultant to prepare draft Planning Framework based on outcomes of previous project stages, to be presented at a Council meeting.
Future - Public Consultation*
Further public consultation in accordance with the relevant State and Town requirements.
*Please note this is dependent on the final outcome and the anticipated timeframe is yet to be determined.