The Town of Cambridge is responsible for the control of pests in town managed buildings and in public areas such as parks.
If you experience problems with pests on your property there are many reputable pest control products available on the market. If the problem persists, contact a licensed pest control operator.
Rats and mice can be serious pests. They can carry disease, can eat and damage fruit and other crops in the garden and, if they find their way inside, can contaminate food and utensils.
Signs you may have an infestation of rats or mice
- Droppings (12mm to 18mm long)
- Debris such as snail shells or fruits with the sides eaten out
- Signs of gnawing damage
- Pet dogs, cats, and birds being more excitable than usual
- Squeaking, gnawing, or scratching noises in walls, cupboards, ceilings and under floors
Discouraging rats
Rats can be discouraged and controlled by simply denying them food and shelter.
- Store firewood away from the sides of sheds and fences and keep it well clear (45cm) off the ground
- Regularly remove or limit garden waste or other disused material in sheds or around your yard
- Remove fruit and nuts from trees or vines at the end of the season
- Block holes and other potential access points around all buildings
- Store bird seed and chicken feed in an airtight container
- Keep pet food dishes clean and store bulk pet food supplies in containers and locations where rats cannot enter or chew through
- Maintain rubbish and compost bins free from holes
- Do not include meat scraps in compost
How to destroy rats on your property
Poison baits are the most successful way to destroy rats.
There are two types of rat baits available:
First Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides (FGARs)
One package per household of Readi Rac (a First Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticide containing Coumatetralyl) is available to collect from the Administration Building upon proof of residence.
Additional baits may be purchased from your local hardware store.
Always read the instructions carefully an make sure children and pets cannot reach them.
Check baits regularly and replace them if they have been eaten. If you are dealing with a large rat problem you may initially need to check and replace baits daily. A rat can eat a whole box of rat bait in one night.
Traps are another way to control rats. The old-fashioned spring back-break trap is the best trap for home use. Try different types of bait including:
- bacon
- nuts
- fish
- peanut butter
- apple
- pumpkin seed
- sausage
For more information call our Environmental Health team on (08) 9347 6000.
Midges are small non-biting insects. They are not a threat to public health, however can cause a nuisance to residents living near wetlands such as Lake Monger.
An increase in midge numbers can occur following unseasonal heavy rainfall and high day time temperatures.
The Town does not use chemicals to control midges. A variety of natural solutions have been successfully introduced at Lake Monger to control midge numbers.
How to minimise midge nuisance in your home
reduce external lighting in homes at night
use yellow globes in outdoor lighting
install fly screens to all windows and doors
seal all gaps around doors and windows
apply a pyrethrum insecticide on door and window surrounds, on walls and under eaves
use electronic insect traps
minimise the use of garden fertiliser
screen light from your property by planting local native screening plants in the garden
discharge household wastewater correctly
use nutrient free detergents
reduce run-off by washing cars on the lawn
Bees are an integral part of the ecosystem, however can be a nuisance if they swarm or establish a hive on your property.
If there is a swarm of bees on your property please contact a local bee removal service or pest controller.
If you see a swarm or hive of bees on council property please call us on (08) 9347 6000.
If you would like to keep bees please contact us on (08) 9347 6000. See the Animals Local Law 2016(PDF, 327KB) for more details.
Possums can cause a nuisance if they make their way into the roof cavity of your home. Often becoming active at night, possums can keep people awake as they move around. To make sure your house is protected from possums, follow these simple steps:
- Find out where the possum is getting in and out. Cram loose wads of waste paper into suspected entry points during the day. After dark, the resident possum will push its way out, showing you where it gets in and out;
- Make repairs to prevent entry. This can be done at night (8–10pm) when the possum is feeding;
- Splash the old entry areas liberally with a strong smelling substance such as disinfectant. The possum's scent glands will have marked the entries to its den. If you don't destroy the scent, the possum will try to re-enter the den; and
- Hang wooden nesting boxes or hollow logs in trees nearby to give the possums new homes.
If this doesn’t work, you may need someone to come and remove the possum. Many pest controllers are experienced in removing possums and are licensed to use harmless traps if required. However, a trapped possum has to be released within 25m of capture and is often replaced by another nearby possum as soon as it's removed. So the above mentioned steps need to be taken in order to prevent the problem from re-occurring.
A major nuisance ant in Western Australia is the coastal brown ant which are often seen in lawns and in brick paving.
Control procedures for a particular ant specie and may not be effective for other ant species so it is recommended pest ants be identified before attempting control measures.
The Department of Agriculture offers a free identification service. To access the service visit the Department of Agriculture website.
As well as being a nuisance, some species of mosquito carry viruses such as Ross River Virus and Barman Forest Virus.
There are simple preventative measures you can take to help reduce mosquito numbers and protect yourself from mosquito bite.
Prevent breeding around your home
- Remove all stagnant water sources, such as pot plant bases, blocked gutters or containers
- Keep fish ponds stocked with fish
- Keep swimming pools clean and chlorinated or completely empty if not in use
- Scrub out bird baths and fountains and refill weekly
- Screen rainwater tanks
- Cut back foliage which may harbour mosquitoes
Protect your home
- Ensure fly screens on doors and windows are kept in good condition
- Ensure septic tank lids are sealed
- Ensure sewerage vent pipes have a mosquito-proof cowl
- Cover rainwater tank inlets and overflow pipes with fly screens
Personal protection
- Avoid exposure outdoors at dawn and early evenings
- Wear loose-fitting, long clothing outdoors
- Use a suitable personal insect repellent
Portuguese Millipedes
Although not harmful to humans or animals, Portuguese millipedes can be a significant domestic nuisance when they invade homes and gardens in their thousands.
Information on Portuguese millipede control is available on the Department of Agriculture website, or contact our Environmental Health team on (08) 9347 6000.