Pensioner and Seniors Rebates
If you hold a valid concession card you may qualify for a rebate or deferment on rates.
To qualify, you must meet ALL of the following criteria:
- Be the owner and occupier of the property as at 1 July; and
- Hold a valid Pensioner Concession Card, State Concession Card, WA Seniors Card or both a WA Seniors Card and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card.
If you meet the above criteria you must pay your portion of the general rates (including Specified Area Rate), Emergency Services Levy and all arrears and service charges by 30 June. If paying the rebated amount an extension past 30 June is not permitted.
Rebates do not apply to Health Care or Department of Veterans Affairs Gold Card holders.
How do you apply for a pensioner concession?
Apply online on the Water Corporation website. The Water Corporation will send your completed application to us.
Apply for a concession
Call the Water Corporation on 1300 659 951 to complete an application over the phone. The Water Corporation will send your completed application to us.
Any concession will apply from the date your application is completed.
What if you obtain a Seniors Card or Pensioner Card during the year?
Partial concessions are available to pensioners and seniors who become eligible during the financial year, provided they meet the eligibility criteria stated above.
The partial concession will apply from the date your application is received.
Is a pensioner/senior rebate applicable to the ESL?
Yes. Seniors and pensioners who qualify for a rebate for their general rates also qualify for the same percentage rebate on the Emergency Services Levy.
Pensioners who are eligible to defer their general rates can also defer their Emergency Services Levy.
Is there a maximum rebate?
Yes. Seniors who meet the eligibility criteria are entitled to claim a rebate of up to 25% of their general rates (including specified area rate). In 2022/2023 the rates rebate for seniors is capped to a maximum of $100 for rates. Capping does not apply to the Emergency Services Levy, the rebate percentage applied to this levy is 25%.
Pensioners who meet the eligibility criteria are entitled to claim a rebate of up to 50% of their general rates. The rates rebate for pensioners is capped to a maximum of $750 for rates. Capping does not apply to the Emergency Service Levy, the rebate percentage applied to this levy is 50%.
Claim your rebate
The Town can claim a rebate from Revenue WA on your behalf, if your portion of the general rates (including specified area rate), Emergency Services Levy, all arrears and service charges are paid in full by 30 June. Please note: rubbish and swimming pool charges cannot be deferred and must be paid on or before the due date.
Defer general rates and Emergency Services Levy on your property
If you qualify for this option, your full rate amount and Emergency Services Levy will be deferred and remain as a charge against your property until the property is sold or you move from the property. No interest will apply to the deferred amount. Please note: rubbish and swimming pool charges cannot be deferred and must be paid on or before the due date.
NB: Life tenants, seniors or pensioners entitled to a rebate of less than 50% cannot defer Rates payments.
What if your circumstances change or you no longer receive a pension?
If your circumstances change - such as your card type, your pension type, you have changed address or you have become ineligible, you must contact the Water Corporation and confirm the cancellation of your eligible cards or submit a new application.
Who determines the rules for pensioners and seniors?
Revenue WA determines all rules around rebates and deferments for pensioners and seniors in conjunction with the Rebates & Deferments Act 1995.