What Goes in Each Bin?

1. What goes in the Food Organics & Garden Organics (FOGO) bin?

Collection: Weekly Standard

Size: 240L



  • Food Organics: Vegetable, fruit, meat & dairy scraps, tea bags, loose leaf tea & coffee grounds, bread, seafood (including shells), food leftovers & scraps, eggshells, out-of-date food (unpackaged),
  • Garden Organics: Grass clippings, plant cuttings, leaves, flowers, weeds, twigs & branches.  
  • Other: Organic kitty litter (not crystal based), paper towel, food-soiled cardboard & paper, shredded paper, small quantities of used tissues, small-animal used pet bedding, dog poo and manure.
  • Caddy Liners: Certified Australian Standard 4736 (compostable logo displayed). Option to wrap organics in newspaper to place in FOGO bin.

Request a FOGO Bin (Previous Garden Waste Bin)

2. What goes in the Recycling Bin? 

Collection: Fortnightly Standard

Size: 240L/360L



  • Paper: Clean newspaper and cardboard, office paper (not shredded), magazines, envelopes, paper bags.
  • Cardboard: Packaging/cardboard boxes (A3 size, clean and flattened), milk and juice cartons (not foil lined/long life).
  • Metal containers: Aluminum cans and lids, steel cans and lids, clean aluminum foil (5cm min. scrunched ball).
  • Glass containers: Glass bottles & jars (lids 5cm and larger), broken glass.
  • Plastic containers: Includes plastic bottles & containers from the kitchen, bathroom and laundry, fruit punnets, yogurt tubs, and plastic lids over 5cm diameter.

Request a Recycling Bin

3. What goes in the General bin?

Collection: Fortnightly Standard

Size: 120L



  • Hygiene Products: Sanitary items, toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes, dental floss, disposable razors, face masks, medical waste such as Covid-19 tests.
  • Textiles: Old/damaged clothing & textiles.
  • Non-recyclable packaging: Biodegradable and plant-based “compostable” packaging (e.g., coffee cups), long-life cartons (foil lined),
  • Items not accepted in Recycling bin: Soft plastics, small plastic items under 5cm diameter (e.g. bottle lids, bread tags), plastic items not accepted in recycling (e.g. plant pots, buckets), ceramics & terracotta,meat trays, polystyrene, inorganic crystal-based kitty litter.

4. Recycle Right app

A new app and website has been launched to help the people of Perth to Recycle Right.

The new resource (recycleright.wa.gov.au) encourages and assists residents and businesses in Western Australia to recycle, reduce their rubbish and buy more recycled products.

Developed by the ‘Recycle Right’ education program, the much-anticipated update of the Recycle Right app features:

  • Which Bin – find out at a glance, what goes in which bin along with what doesn’t belong there and the correct methods of disposal.
  • Bin Day Reminders – set an alert to reminder you of which bin goes out on what day for your area.
  • An ever-growing A–Z list of specific items and what to do with them.
  • Find My Nearest – an extensive database of drop-off locations or recycling facilities in Perth for items such as batteries, car parts, building/demolition waste, hazardous household waste and more.

The website also provides a Resources Hub of worksheets, how-to guides, fact sheets and templates.

Information on both the app and website is tailored to the full assortment of bin systems found in the Perth metropolitan area: 3-bin FOGO (Food Organics, Garden Organics), 3-bin GO (Garden Organics) and 2-bin. 

Find out more and download the app