Grantham Street Multi Intersection Treatment Review and Evaluation
- Project scheduleReview & Evaluation
The intersection of Jersey Street and Grantham Street has expereinced 31 reported crashes over the past five years. To address these safety concerns, the Town investigated the best long term solution to improve safety at this intersection.
The Town, in consultation with Main Roads WA (MRWA) explored different treatments to improve safety, while limiting the impacts on adjacent intersections. This included a roundabout, traffic signals and various turning movement restrictions.
The Jersey Street and Grantham Street intersection qualified for Blackspot funding for a multi-intersection treatment in the 2023/24 financial year due to the high number of vehicle crashes recorded over the past five years.
The construction of the multi-intersection treatment was completed in April 2024. The treatment consisted of the following measures which are also shown in the below figures:
- Modifications to the median islands to restrict some traffic movements in and out of Jersey and Pangbourne Streets.
- Re-alignment of pram ramps and associated road, kerb and footpath works including Tactile Ground Surface Indicators.
- Removal of selected temporary bollards and installation of regulatory lines and signs.
At the July 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council supported an amount of $30,000 to be included for consideration in the 2024/2025 Draft Budget for a detailed traffic study to evaluate the performance of the Grantham Street multi-intersection treatment.
The evaluation will be completed over a 12-to-18-months period post construction and will check that the intersections operate as per the expected design outcomes, reduce the likelihood and severity of crashes and ensure that the network is operating within appropriate limits. A report will be presented to Council to consider the project successes and/or recommendations for further corrective actions.
Scope Details
Review the impact of vehicle movements at surrounding intersections as well as the network operations resulting from the changes to vehicle movements. The evaluation will also seek feedback from the community on the treatment and gather vital local knowledge on driver behaviour within the surrounding streets. This information, along with traffic data and independent expert advice will determine how the treatment is performing and inform recommendations for any further improvements where required.
Current Status
Traffic count data is being collected, and an independent traffic consultant is being engaged to support the evaluation process.
Next Steps
Please refer back to this webpage for future updates.