Committee Representatives

Details of Council are provided below.

Council Elected Members

Meets monthly
(Fourth Tuesday of the month)

Mayor Gary Mack

Coast Ward

Cr Jane Cutler
Cr Xavier Carr
Cr Georgina (Georgie) Randklev
Cr Michael Le Page

Wembley Ward
Cr Catherine (Kate) Barlow
Cr Ben Mayes (Deputy Mayor)
Cr Susan Kennerly
Cr Gavin Foley

The Council has several committees and working groups attended by elected members.

Committees Membership Deputy Member

Audit and Risk Committee

Meets quarterly (or as required)


Mayor Mack

Coast Ward
Cr Le Page

Wembley Ward

Cr Kennerly

Three independent representatives


Coast Ward

Wembley Ward
Cr Barlow (1st)
Cr Mayes (2nd)

CEO Recruitment Committee

Meets as required

Mayor Mack
Cr Mayes
Cr Cutler
Cr Barlow

One independent representative


CEO Performance Review Committee

Meets quarterly

Mayor Mack
Cr Barlow
Cr Carr
Cr Le Page
Cr Randklev
Cr Mayes

Cr Foley

Policy and Legislation Committee

Meets bimonthly

Mayor Mack
Cr Mayes
Cr Cutler
Cr Barlow
Cr Randklev


Public Art Committee

Meets quarterly (or as required)

Cr Barlow
Cr Randklev
Cr Kennerly
Cr Foley
Mayor Mack
Cr Carr
Cr Mayes

Complaints Management Committee

Meets as required

Mayor Mack
Cr Barlow
Cr Carr
Cr Foley

Town of Cambridge Local Emergency Co-ordination Group

Meets as required

Mayor Mack


Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group

Meets as required

Mayor Mack
Cr Randklev
Cr Mayes

Representatives and delegates from Cambridge are also involved in various external working groups and committees.

External Committees and Working Groups Representative/Delegate 

Mindarie Regional Council

Meets every second month (Thursday at 6.30pm)

Mayor Mack
Cr Cutler (alternate)

Catalina Regional Council

Meets every second month (Thursday at 6pm)

Cr Culter
Cr Le Page

Western Australian Local Government Association Central Metropolitan Zone

Meets every second month (Thursday at 6.30pm)

Cr Barlow
Cr Mayes
Mayor Mack (deputy)
Cr Cutler (deputy)

Development Assessment Panel – Metro Inner North

Meets as required

Cr Barlow
Cr Mayes
Mayor Mack (alternate member 1)
Cr Randklev (alternate member 2)
West Subgroup of the Metropolitan Regional Road Group

Meets as required
Cr Cutler
Cr Barlow (deputy)