Dog Registration How to register your dog and information about micro-chipping, sterilisation and multiple dogs.
Exercising your dog The Town of Cambridge has a number of dog exercise areas. Find out where you can exercise your dog and get a few helpful hints to help you avoid on-the-spot fines.
Barking Dogs Find out what you can do about a barking dog that is causing a nuisance and how to be a good neighbour when a dog is barking.
Controlling your dog Dog owners are responsible for controlling their dog and infringements may be issued for breaches of the Dog Act 1976 and Animals Local Law 2016.
Dog Training Activities Prospective dog trainers and prospective dog training groups must apply to the Town for a Dog Training Licence in order to conduct formalised dog training or obedience training on the Town’s open spaces.
Dog Wandering As a responsible dog owner, you must prevent your dog from wandering the streets alone by ensuring that your property is secure enough to prevent a dog from escaping.
Dog Attacks The Town of Cambridge takes dog attacks very seriously, and our Rangers are experienced in dealing with such matters.