A development application is a formal request for approval to carry out proposed development.
The development application process is summarised as follows:
Stage 1 - Lodgement
Completed development applications* can be lodged in the following two ways:
1. Online via email to mail@cambridge.wa.gov.au; or
2. In person at the Town of Cambridge administration building, located at 1 Bold Park Drive, Floreat.
*See ‘What Information do I need to submit with my development application?’ below.
Once received, the Planning team will complete a pre-lodgement check to confirm the following:
• All required documents have been provided and completed correctly; and
• All necessary information required for the Town to complete its initial assessment is detailed on the proposed development plans.
If required, the Planning team will then request further information.
The application will not be formally accepted by the Town, and as such the 90-day statutory timeframe will not commence, until all required information is provided with the application.
When the application is ready to be formally accepted by the Town, the Town’s Planning Admin will contact the applicant to take the development application fees.
When the development application fees are received, a confirmation email will be sent to the applicant and the application will be allocated to the assessing planning officer.
Stage 2 – Initial Assessment
The assessing planning officer will endeavour to assess the proposal within 21 days of receipt of the application being formally accepted.
The time taken to complete the initial assessment will vary depending on the complexity of the application. As part of the assessment, the application is referred to internal business units (e.g. Health, Building, Engineering, Parks, Waste) and external agencies (e.g. Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, Main Roads) for comment.
Stage 3A – Amended Plans
When the initial assessment is complete, the assessing planning officer may:
i) Email the applicant with details of elements of the proposal that don’t meet any relevant requirements of the Scheme and/or deemed-to-comply provisions of State and Local planning policies; AND
ii) Give the applicant the opportunity to submit amended plans to eliminate all or reduce the number of elements of the proposal that don’t meet any relevant requirements of the Scheme and/or deemed-to-comply provisions of State and Local planning policies.
Stage 3B – Approval
If the Town’s initial assessment, or subsequent assessment of any amended plans received, finds the proposal meets all relevant requirements of the Scheme and deemed-to-comply provisions of State and Local planning policies, the application will be approved by the Town under delegation.
Stage 4 - Advertising
If the proposal does not meet all relevant requirements of the Scheme or deemed-to-comply provisions of State and Local planning policies, the application will be required to be advertised for public consultation.
Public consultation will generally occur for the following timeframes:
• 14 days – Standard development applications
• 21 days – Complex development applications (e.g. JDAP applications and uses not listed in the Scheme Zone Table).
Stage 5 – Post-Advertising
Following public consultation, the assessing planning officer will provide the applicant with a summary of any submissions received and details of any concerns the Town has with the proposal.
The applicant will then have 7 days to respond, which may be in the form of amended plans and/or justification for the Town to consider.
Stage 6 – Final Assessment & Determination
The assessing planning officer will prepare a report making a recommendation for approval or refusal of a development application.
Development applications will then be determined under delegation (by Administration) or by Council at an Ordinary Council Meeting.
You will be notified if an application is required to be determined by Council at one of its meetings.
Once a determination is made, the applicant will be notified of the final decision in writing.