Jon Sanders Dr, Powis St and Harborne St Intersection Road Improvement

  • Project typePedestrian Crossing and Traffic Congestion Improvement
  • Project scheduleDesign Phase - December 2023 to June 2025
Jon Sanders Drive, Powis Street and Harborne Street Intersection

Last Updated: 17/12/2024

The Jon Sanders Drive, Powis Street & Harborne Street intersection was identified as having a high incidence of traffic accidents within the last five-years. Main Roads WA (MRWA) pre and post audit, make it eligible for Road improvement funding in line with the MRWA policy. The proposed intersection treatment is an addition of a left turn lane from Harborne Street south bound to Jon Sanders Drive west approach. The addition of a dedicated right turn lane from Powis Street east approach to Harborne Street north bound is also required to improve congestion and facilitate traffic flow. The upgrade of the intersection is also to help improve pedestrian facilities. The small splitter island at the southeast corner will be eliminated due to high pedestrian traffic and limited storage capacity. This is a staged Metropolitan Regional Road Group (MRRG) Road Improvement Project joint with the City of Stirling.

The Town of Cambridge (The Town) and the City of Stirling (The City) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding in December 2023 to upgrade the traffic signals at the intersection of Jon Sanders Drive, Harborne Street and Powis Street.

The works will provide better pedestrian protection and improved traffic congestion within the local road network. The total project value is estimated to be $3M. This is two-thirds funded through the MRWA and MRRG Improvement Program, with the remaining to be funded 50/50 by the Town of Cambridge and City of Stirling.



The Town is the applicant of the MRRG Improvement fund and is responsible for the administration of the grant and the Town’s Council approvals. The City is responsible for all the project design works and construction management. The Town will provide a comment and review on the entire design and community engagement will be led by the City. The Town will contribute by sharing project information via its various forms of engagement methods. The Town will also undertake public notifications for the works as required, within its boundary prior and during the construction stage.

Year 1 (2023/2024) and Year 2 (2024/2025):

  • Design, approvals, and enabling works (relocation of existing infrastructure assets).

Year 3 (2026/2027):

  • Construction - The City of Stirling will manage and undertake all construction works and community engagement ready for construction.

Current Status

Currently, the Town’s Engineering team is attending meetings with City of Stirling’s officers in the presence of MRWA. The purpose of the meetings are to discuss project progress, responsibilities of the participating parties, determine the next steps, design clarifications, timeframe for approvals and the financial contributions.

Progress Updates

  • The City of Stirling will submit the MRRG construction funding in May 2025 with the completed 100 per cent detailed design which will delay signal modification and construction works until 2026/2027.
  • MRWA have confirmed that an interim modification will be completed by the end of 2024 to the existing traffic signal by installing “Walk/Don’t Walk” lanterns on all approaches to facilitate pedestrian safety.

Next Steps

Please refer back to the webpage for future updates.