Outdoor Eating Permit
The Town's Outdoor Eating Facility Guidelines(PDF, 820KB) provide information on what is required to set up an outdoor eating facility in the Town.
The Guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Town's Eating Facilities Policy and Trading in Public Places Policy, and the Town's Trading in Public Places Local Law(PDF, 277KB).
If you wish to set-up and operate an alfresco dining area within the Town you must apply for an Outdoor Eating Facility Permit(PDF, 159KB)
Permits are valid for 12 months. Applications to renew permits are issued to permit holders each July, however if you do not receive a renewal please complete an Outdoor Eating Facility Permit Renewal(PDF, 110KB)
NOTE: In accordance with the Building Code of Australia, the total number of chairs that the Town can approve will depend on the toilet facilities available.
For more information please contact our Environment Health team on 9347 6000.