Applying for Development Approval
Step 1: Pre-lodgement
A development application is a formal request for consent to carry out proposed development. Development approval may be required for a change of land use, construction of buildings, erection of signage or demolition.
For further information on which types of proposals require a development approval, contact the Town on (08) 9347 6000 to speak to the Duty Planning Officer. The Duty Planning Officer can also provide advice on what information is required and explain the assessment process.
Step 2: Lodgement
To apply for development approval you must provide:
- A completed Development Approval Application Form and MRS Form 1(PDF, 1005KB)
- A Letter addressed to the Chief Executive Officer outlining the proposal and addressing any specific issues (eg. justification for variations to relevant planning standards).
- A completed Development Application Checklist(PDF, 282KB)
- Certificate of Title including site feature survey (refer checklist).
- Payment of the relevant fees. (refer Planning Fees).
- Two scaled copies of plans including one set in A3, with accompanying diagrams showing required information (refer checklist).
Please note: If you are applying for a variation to Local Law 43, please use this Local Law 43 Form(PDF, 1MB). There are no fees associated with this application:
Applications can be lodged by the applicant to the Town via:
- Email (file limit 40MB) to; or
- Dropbox link (if the file size exceeds 40MB), you will need to notify the Town; or
- Post, which includes payment of the relevant fee, being sent to Town of Cambridge, PO Box 15, FLOREAT WA 6014; or
- In person.
Please note, submissions sent by email will be replied to with an automatic electronic acknowledgement.
Once lodged, the application will be receipted by a letter/email to the applicant.
Proposed Development that Exceeds a Cost of $50,000
If the cost of the proposed development exceeds $50,000, the plans must be digitally drawn (i.e hand drawn plans will not be accepted).
Any departures from DA approved plans may require an amended DA application:
As set out by the Supreme Court, the Town is only able to consider departures from approved plans through an application to amend the existing approval pursuant to Clause 77 of Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015. The exemptions under Clause 61 of the deemed provisions generally do not apply to any departures from the approved plans.
To ensure that the Town properly carries out its obligations, but in a manner that acknowledges the need for a balanced and sensible approach, the Town has developed the below internal process.
Where a proposal meets one or more of the following, an application to amend the previous development approval will be required:
- If the proposal introduces any design principles assessment(s) for elements that were previously deemed-to-comply.
- If the proposal amends any aspects of the development that were material during the public consultation process of the original proposal, regardless of whether those aspects are exempt development under Clause 61 of the deemed provisions.
- If the proposal alters any elements of the development that were material to the Town’s (or other decision maker’s) original assessment and/or decision in the development approval, regardless of whether those aspects are exempt development under Clause 61 of the deemed provisions.
Please note that there is no guarantee that an application to amend the existing approval will be successful. Additionally, any departures from the approved plans that do not receive the necessary approval may be subject to compliance action by the Town under Part 13 of the Planning and Development Act 2005.
In other instances, where all proposed changes do not meet the above criteria, an application to amend the previous development approval will not be required.
Natural Ground Levels
The natural ground levels for the purposes of designing and assessing proposed development shall be in accordance with the definition of ‘natural ground level’ in Clause 1 of Part 1, Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (the deemed provisions).
If neither (i) or (ii) within paragraph (a) of the ‘natural ground level’ definition in the deemed provisions applies, paragraph (b) of the definition applies.
The Town’s Local Planning Policy 3.24 – Determining natural ground level provides guidance on which levels that precede development are to be used as the natural ground level for the purposes of designing and assessing proposed development, as per paragraph (b) of the definition in the deemed provisions.
Step 3: Consultation - internal and external
Public consultation may be undertaken for a period up to twenty-eight days. The application may also be referred to external bodies such as The Heritage Council of WA for comment. Representatives of the Town's building, health and/or infrastructure services will consider the proposal and assess if it meets with the Town's requirements and may suggest changes and/or the imposition of conditions or advisory notes. Some applications may be referred to the Town's Design Review Panel for impartial architectural and design advice.
Holiday Period
In accordance with Clause 12 of the Town’s Local Planning Policy 1.2 - Public notification of planning proposals, the public consultation period for development applications will not include the days between and inclusive of 18 December 2024 and 8 January 2025.
The public notification period may begin before the holiday period (18 December – 8 January) and recommence once the holiday period has ended. The days during the holiday period will not be counted towards the number of days the development application is required to be advertised for.
Step 4: Assessment
Development applications will be assessed by a Planning Officer under the provisions of the Town's local planning scheme, related local planning policies and the Residential Design Codes (where applicable). The period taken to assess individual applications can vary depending on whether or not the application complies with the town planning requirements which can, in turn, determine if an application can be dealt with under delegated authority or is required to be determined at a Council Meeting.
Step 5: Planning officer's report and determination
The Planning Officer will prepare a report making a recommendation for approval or refusal. Development applications may be determined via one of two decision-making processes:
• Direct delegation (in-house)
• Determination by Council at an Ordinary Council Meeting
Step 6: Notification of decision
The applicant and anyone who made a submission regarding the application will be advised of the final decision in writing. Applications are required to be assessed and determined within certain timeframes; however the Town always endeavours to determine applications as soon as possible. The following statutory timeframes are applicable:
• 60 days – no public consultation is required
• 90 days – public consultation is required
Public consultation is generally required where a development proposal includes significant variations from the Town’s requirements. Once determined, this correspondence will be sent via email, with a hard copy sent by post.
More information
If you have any questions please contact the Town's Statutory Planning team on (08) 9347 6000.