Hosting a Large Event
If you're thinking about hosting a large scale event in the Town of Cambridge, one of our parks or reserves may be the ideal location.
For planning purposes, large scale events such as corporate and community events, concerts, performances and sporting events that have an expected attendance of over 500 people require a longer lead time.
Large events may need Council endorsement and significant consultation before being approved.
So there is enough time to obtain all required approvals it is necessary that you contact us at least six months before the event date.
For small scale (Category 1) events, please see our Parks For Hire page. A general guide to event category size is available in the Related Information section below.
How to apply
Before lodging an application it is important you read the following documents:
Apply to hold a large event
Parks for hire
The Town of Cambridge is home to over 50 parks and recreation spaces, ideal for small or large events.
View Parks for Hire
View hire fees(PDF, 10MB)
For more please contact our Community Development team on (08) 9347 6000 or email us.