People with Disability


Access to Town facilities including Beach Access

Cambridge Library

Cambridge Library is fully accessible for visitors with wheelchairs, gophers or prams. Our extensive library collection also houses many large print and audio books including some on the Town's local history.

The library offers a home delivery service to members who are unable to access the library due to disability or illness, or to a carer who needs assistance.

Visit the Library

Bold Park Aquatic

Bold Park Aquatic is an accessible and inclusive aquatic centre, designed for people of all abilities.

Whether you're recovering from injury, are interested in active ageing, or are a person with a permanent disability our facilities and programs offer something for everyone.

Visit Bold Park Aquatic

City Beach

During the summer months, mobi-mats beach matting is in place at City Beach and a Sandcruiser beach wheelchair and an all terrain rollator are available for hire.

Beach Matting image.jpg

Each year, the matting is available from November through to March, depending on weather conditions.

The mats are annually installed near the south and north groynes. Wheelchair users will be able try the matting in their own wheelchair or alternatively hire the Sandcruiser beach wheelchair or All Terrain Rollator to access the entire beach.

Sandcruiser Beach Wheelchair

The Sandcruiser beach wheelchair is designed specifically for use on soft sand and up to the water’s edge. The wheelchair is not a floating wheelchair and care should be taken when used close to the water’s edge. The Sandcruiser is NOT a self-propelled wheelchair and the user will need to have two support persons for assistance. The beach wheelchair is available for loan free of charge via SpacetoCo, however booking in advance is essential to avoid disappointment.


All Terrain Rollator

A beach rollator is now available for free hire at City Beach to provide more access for everyone across the community. Bookings for hire of this free resource provided by the Town are now available via SpacetoCo

rollator image.jpg

How to Book

The Sandcruiser beach wheelchair and All Terrain Rollator are available for hire daily, during beach patrolled season from November to March, between 7am and 4pm.

The wheelchair and the rollator can be hired for up two hours per booking, to ensure greater access to all potential hirers.

People who use the wheelchair and/or the rollator do so at their own risk and the Town cannot be held liable for any incident which occurs while it is in the charge of a third party. It is the responsibility of the user and/or support persons to ensure they have read and understood the following Safety Guide(PDF, 1MB) information before use.

You will receive a booking confirmation email, including the one-time code for the beach wheelchair locker, which will allow you to access the wheelchair.

Book the Beach Wheelchair

Book the All Terrain Rollator

Further Information

For more information about the beach matting and wheelchair or to report a fault / damage, please contact: Town of Cambridge Tel: 9347 6000 Email:

ACROD Parking Permits

For information on how to obtain and display ACROD Parking Permits please visit the ACROD Permits page.

Accessible Toilet Facilites

For information on Accessible Toilets Facilities please visit National Public Toilet Map

Hidden Disability Sunflower

Not all disabilities, conditions or chronic illnesses are visible. There are hundreds of different types of hidden disabilities ranging from autism spectrum disorder, dementia, brain injuries, mental health, intellectual disabilities, vision and hearing impairment, chronic illnesses and many others. For many people in our communities with an invisible disability this can make everyday life incredibly challenging. According to Hidden Disabilities (HD) Sunflower organisation, in Australia and New Zealand in one in five people have some form of disability, and about 80 to 85 per cent of these people have a disability that is non-visible.

This is a significant percentage and is a major driver for the creation of the HD Sunflower initiative, which aims to encourage inclusivity, acceptance and understanding in communities. The Hidden Disability Sunflower is a subtle symbol that indicates the wearer has a hidden disability. It signals to staff or volunteers that the wearer may need extra assistance, understanding, or patience, enhancing accessibility and interactions at events and community activities.

For more information on the Hidden Disability Sunflower Program and how to join, visit the Hidden Disabilities membership webpage:


Advocacy and National Support

Disability Gateway

The Disability Information Helpline has transitioned to the Disability Gateway. The phone number and support had not changed.

People with disability can now contact the Disability Gateway for information and referrals about coronavirus (COVID-19). People with disability can also contact the Disability Gateway for assistance to book a vaccine appointment.

The Disability Gateway can help families, carers and support workers, too. The Disability Gateway is free, private and fact-checked.

If you are worried or concerned about COVID-19, you can contact the Disability Gateway in the following ways:

  • Phone (free call): 1800 643 787
  • If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can also call the National Relay Service on 133 677
  • If you require support in another language, you can use the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) free of charge by:
    • calling the Disability Gateway on 1800 643 787 and asking for an interpreter, or
    • calling TIS on 131 450 and ask to be connected to the Disability Gateway on 1800 643 787.
  • A live chat service will also be available in the near future.

The Disability Gateway is available Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm (AEDT). It is not available on national public holidays. The Disability Gateway is funded by the Australian Government.

For more information, visit Welcome to the Disability Gateway | Disability Gateway or

Counselling and advocacy support for people with disability

The Department of Social Services provide counselling and advocacy services for people with disability who have experienced violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation; and anyone affected by the Disability Royal Commission.

  • Counselling and advocacy support is free, independent and confidential.
  • A counsellor can support people to talk about their feelings and emotions in a safe space.
  • An advocate can help people to tell their story, protect their rights and access other supports.
  • A support person can help people make choices about engaging with the Disability Royal Commission.
  • Culturally appropriate support is also available for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability and their families.

People can contact the National Counselling and Referral Service on 1800 421 468 for counselling support or ask to be connected to a counsellor or advocate near them.

Would you like to help raise awareness so people can get the support they need?

Download the communication toolkit(PDF, 1MB)

For more information, including Easy Read and Auslan resources, and to download digital resources and images, visit

Trauma-informed counselling is available to help people with disability who have experienced violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation.

Disability Royal Commission advocacy support services ended on 30 June 2023 and counselling support services ended on 31 December 2023.

The Disability Royal Commission delivered its final report on the violence, neglect, abuse and exploitation of people with disability on 29 September 2023. The report is available on the Disability Royal Commission website(link is external) in accessible formats, including Easy Read and Auslan.

The National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP) provides people with disability access to effective advocacy support. This support promotes and protects the rights of people with disability by helping to remove barriers to their full and equal participation in the community. Find out more about the NDAP at

The Disability Advocacy Support Helpline provides short term and phone-based disability advocacy support, no matter where you live in Australia. The Helpline may refer you to other supports in your local area based on your individual needs. For more information about the Helpline, visit the resources page. There are Easy Read, Auslan and translated resources. 

To request disability advocacy support, you can either:

You can also find an advocacy support provider near you by visiting Ask Izzy at is external)

The National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline is a free, independent and confidential service for reporting abuse and neglect of people with disability. You can either:

Individual Disability Advocacy Service

Sussex Street Community Law Service provides an advocacy service to people with disability, their family and carers.

In partnership with UnitingCare West, Sussex Street is an independent, free and confidential advocacy service to people living in the Town of Cambridge.

The service is supported by the Town of Cambridge and delivered at the Wembley Community Centre.

For more information please visit the Sussex Street website.

National Disability Insurance Scheme

What is the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a federal government-funded scheme which provides financial support to people with an intellectual, physical, sensory, cognitive (such as defective short-term memory) or psychosocial (arising as a result of a mental health condition) disability, as well as early intervention supports for children with developmental delay.

The scheme helps people with disability to access the support that’s right for them as well as assisting in building their skills to actively participate in their community.

Individuals with NDIS funding primarily deal with Local Area Coordinators (LACs), Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) co-ordinators, or NDIA planners who help participants access, understand and navigate the new system, and create, implement and review their plan. Participants can find LACs, ECEIs and NDIA planners in their area using the search tool on the NDIS website.

To check your eligibility or to find out more information, visit the NDIS website.   

More advocacy, national support and resources

Partners Servicing Town of Cambridge

NDIS has appointed the following partners to deliver NDIS for the Central North Metro which services the Town:

Wanslea Family Services (0-6 years)

Wanslea Family Services is the National Disability Insurance Agency partner that delivers Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) support to children aged 0-6 years who have a developmental delay or disability.

Early intervention is important to ensure children with developmental delay or disability have the best start in life.

If you have concerns about your child’s development, then ECEI can help you to get information and access to supports. You and other caregivers will be provided with ways to help your child develop the skills they need to take part in daily activities and achieve the best possible outcomes throughout their life.

For further information:

Phone: (08) 9245 2441 or email:

Website: Wanslea | Home

Mission Australia (7- 65 years)

Mission Australia is the NDIS partner delivering Local Area Coordination (LAC) Service for people aged 7 to 65 years who have a permanent and/or significant disability as defined under the Disability services Act 2011.

The LAC can assist with understanding and accessing the NDIS, creating, implementing and reviewing your NDIS support plan and linking you to information and support in your community.

For Further information:

Phone:(08) 9225 0400


Activ Foundation

Established in 1951, Activ was formed by a group of families who wanted more for their children who lived with disability and had become marginalised by society. Over time the group grew to encompass community, employment, accommodation, training and more.

Today, Activ has grown into one of Western Australia’s largest not-for-profit disability service providers, supporting more than 1200 people across the state. Core services have developed and changed according to community needs over the years. Current services include accommodation, community, training, small-scale employment, behaviour support and more.

For Further information:

Phone:(08) 9387 0555

Website:  What We Do - Activ Foundation

Telethon Speech and Hearing 

Telethon Speech & Hearing (TSH) is a Western Australian based not-for-profit organisation, registered charity and independent school offering quality educational, diagnostic, therapeutic and support services for children with hearing loss and speech and language delays.

For Further information:

Phone:(08)9387 9888

Website:  Experts in Hearing, Speech, Language for Kids | Telethon Speech & Hearing (

More support services

Inclusive Community Sports Programs

Starfish Nippers Program

The Floreat Surf Life Saving Club run the Starfish Nippers program, which is designed for young people aged 6 years and above with a disability, including physical and intellectual disabilities and learning difficulties, and can be modified to suit an individual participant’s needs so everyone can be included.

The program is aimed at providing children and young people with a disability with the opportunity to participate in a nippers program. It offers beach safety and awareness in a fun and safe environment.

Organiser: Floreat Surf Lifesaving Club

Venue: Floreat Lifesaving Club, Floreat Beach

Dates/Times: Sundays, 8:30am - 11:00am (November - March)


More Information: Find out more

Wembley Integrated Cricket

The Wembley Cricket Club offer a variety of different integrated programs including adult program for individual 18 ages and older, Junior Cricket (for children aged 10-18 and the Start Blast Program for children aged 5- 9 years.)

Organiser: Wembley Cricket Club

Venue: Wembley Sports Park 200 Selby Street Jolimont

Dates/Times: Starblast Program: Friday afternoons 5:00pm - 6:00pm commencing October 20

Dates/Times: Junior Integrated: Thursday afternoons 4:30pm - 5:30pm commencing October 12

Contact: Margie 0416 025 724 or

More Information: Wembley Districts Junior Cricket Club | play junior cricket | Selby St & Hay Street, Jolimont WA, Australia (

Perth Netball Association

The No Limits program run by the Perth Netball Association and is available for people, aged 12 and over, with an intellectual disability to engage with the sport of netball, meet new friends and compete in a safe environment which promotes social inclusion and participation.

Organiser: Perth Netball Association

Venue: Outdoor Courts, Matthews Netball Centre

Dates/Times: Saturday at 1:00 pm

Contact: 9387 7011 or

More Information: No Limits – NEW | Perth Netball Association

Wembley Integrated Football

Organiser: Wembley Football Club

Venue: Wembley Sports Park 200 Selby St Jolimont

Dates/Times: Across the standard football season. Thursday training, Saturday games


More Information:

More Inclusive Community Sports Programs

Autism Resources

The Autism Parents' Handbook is the ultimate book for parents and carers of children with ASD, in Western Australia providing a detailed guide of the services and support available. The author of this handbook Heidi Brandis has a child with ASD and is sharing the updated resource in hopes to save parents valuable time.

The handbook covers everything from getting a ASD diagnosis to technology, driving and sensory resources. The handbook also outlines support and services available across regional WA and also provides information on funding, respite and advocacy.

Download the free Autism Parents' Handbook(PDF, 4MB)

Thanks to Developmental Disability WA and author Heidi Brandis for sharing this resource with the Town of Cambridge.

Have your say

If you would like to provide the Town with any feedback regarding disability, access and inclusion please Submit Feedback here