Part 11B Significant Development Pathway Applications

The permanent Part 11B Significant Development Pathway, which became operational on 1 March 2024, is a development application pathway option for complex and significant development proposals.

The Part 11B application process, which is set out under Part 11B of the Planning and Development Act 2005 (the Act), is a refined version of the previous temporary Part 17 application process.

The Part 11B pathway is open to developments valued at:

  • $20 million or more for proposals either wholly or partly in the Perth or Peel region scheme or Swan Valley Planning Scheme areas
  • $5 million or more in other parts of the State

The pathway is not available for proposals in improvement scheme, planning control or redevelopment authority areas, or for public works.

Projects that do not meet the value threshold but raise issues of State or regional importance can also be authorised for entry into the pathway by the Premier, on the recommendation of the Minister for Planning.

Under the Part 11B pathway, the State Development Assessment Unit within the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) will assess the development application and make a recommendation to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC), who is the decision maker of significant development applications under Part 11B of the Act.

As part of the Department's assessment, the Department will advertise significant development applications for public comment and refer the applications to the Town for comment.

All submissions on significant development applications must be made to the Department.

The details of any significant development applications currently being advertised by the Department are provided below for public information only:

Property Address   Proposal  DPLH's Public Consultation Period Make a Submission to the DPLH