Floreat Activity Centre | Town of Cambridge The Floreat Activity Centre is planned to be a lively area with a mix of homes, shops, and businesses. To ensure development aligns with community and strategic goals, the Town, working with the community, has developed a detailed precinct structure plan.
West Leederville Activity Centre Precinct Structure Plan A Precinct Structure Plan is required for the West Leederville Activity Centre, in accordance with State Planning Policy, to provide precinct level development controls. Further research and development is required to then modify and re-advertise the West Leederville Precinct Structure Plan (WLPSP) as required by the Western Australian Planning Commission.
Cambridge Street Urban Corridor West Project To investigate the built form concepts and public realm updates and the appropriate planning instrument required to facilitate the increased development proposed along the infill precinct in accordance with the Town's endorsed Local Planning Strategy. The corridor is located along Cambridge Street bound by the road intersections of Sunnyside Road to the west and Marlow Street to the east.
West Leederville Heritage Places Investigation As a result of progress made to the West Leederville Precinct Structure Plan and planned future redevelopment of the location, investigate the precinct for heritage places for potential inclusion in the Town's Local Heritage Survey.
Floreat Activity Centre | APIL Group The Floreat Activity Centre is intended to be a vibrant mixed-use precinct with a broad range of residential and commercial/retail uses. The landowner, APIL Group, has prepared a precinct structure plan for the area. The Town of Cambridge is also preparing its own PSP for the Floreat Activity Centre.
Ocean Village Shopping Precinct Planning Property developer Blackburne has submitted a Part 17 Significant Development Application to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) for the proposed redevelopment of the Ocean Village Shopping Precinct.