Floreat Activity Centre | APIL Group



A report incorporating community submissions and an Administration evaluation of the APIL Group precinct structure plan was presented at the November 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting, with a recommendation for the WA Planning Commission (WAPC) to reject the APIL-led PSP and approve the Town-led PSP.

The Floreat Activity Centre is intended to be a vibrant mixed-use precinct with a broad range of residential and commercial/retail uses.

The Floreat Forum shopping centre and Cambridge Library form a key part of the activity centre and a Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) will be developed for the area to guide future development of the activity centre and to ensure suitable development in line with the Town’s Local Planning Strategy 2021.   

The landowner, APIL Group, has prepared a PSP for the area.  The Town of Cambridge has also prepared its own PSP for the Floreat Activity Centre. 

Latest Update

November 2024

The public consultation period inviting comments on APIL Group's PSP closed on 23 September.

The Town considered the submissions and prepared a report to Council for the 26 November 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting with a recommendation to the WAPC.

Council unanimously voted in favour of Administration's recommendation that the WAPC reject APIL Group's PSP due to concerns over excessive building heights and scales, as well as non-compliance with key design guidelines.

Both PSPs, by the Town of Cambridge and APIL Group, will be considered by the WAPC at a later date.

News: Council Endorses Town-led Floreat Plan, Opposes APIL’s Proposal


September 2024

The public consultation period inviting comments on APIL's PSP has now closed.

A further update will be provided once the Town has prepared a report to Council with a recommendation to the WAPC.

August 2024

Following the decision by the Statutory Planning Committee (SPC) on 10 July to advertise APIL’s PSP, the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) has advertised APIL’s PSP for public consultation from 9 August 2024 – 23 September 2024.

You can view APIL’s PSP online here

All submissions must be made directly to the DPLH by Monday 23 September 2024. 

The DPLH will forward all submissions received to the Town at the end of the advertising period.  The Town will review the submissions and prepare a report to Council with a recommendation to WAPC.

  • You can make a submission: Make a submission
  • By email to FloreatPSP@dplh.wa.gov.au
  • By mail to Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (attention to Metro Central North team) Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6000

Hard copies of the PSP are also available for viewing at:

  • The Town of Cambridge Administration Centre, 1 Bold Park Drive Floreat WA 6014.
  • Cambridge Library, 99 The Boulevard Floreat WA 6014

The WAPC will be the decision maker in relation to APIL’s PSP.

Council resolved at the 23 July 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting for the Town to consider the submissions received during and after the advertising period and to prepare a report for Council and the WAPC that includes a recommendation on whether the PSP should be approved by the WAPC and a recommendation on any proposed modifications.

July 2024

Following the decision by the Statutory Planning Committee (SPC) to advertise APIL’s PSP, Council resolved the following at the 23 July 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting (from the unconfirmed minutes):


Moved by Cr Mayes, seconded by Cr Carr

That Council:

1. NOTES the decision of the Statutory Planning Committee (SPC) on 10 July 2024 authorising the

Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) to advertise the Floreat Activity Centre Precinct

Structure Plan submitted by APIL Group ("PSP") despite the Council’s decision to ‘not accept’ the PSP

on 7 May 2024;

2. NOTES the application of Clauses 19(1)(a) and (b) of the Deemed Provisions which provide for the Town to consider submissions made during and after the advertising period;

3. NOTES the application of Clause 19(1)(c) of the Deemed Provisions which provide for the Town to request further information from APIL Group if the Town deems it is required;

4. NOTES the application of Clauses 19(1)(d) and (2) of the Deemed Provisions which provide for the Town to take any steps it deems appropriate to advertise modifications to the PSP to address issues raised in submissions; and

5. NOTES the application of Clause 20 of the Deemed Provisions which provide for the timing and contents of a report to be prepared by the Town for the WAPC's consideration, which also must include a recommendation on whether the PSP should be approved by the WAPC, and a recommendation on any proposed modifications.

July 2024

Following Council’s decision not to accept APIL’s PSP for advertising, the Statutory Planning Committee (SPC) of the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) considered APIL’s PSP for ‘consent to advertise’ at its 10 July 2024 meeting. At this meeting, the SPC resolved to provide consent to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) to advertise APIL’s PSP.

The agenda detailing the matter, the livestream of the meeting and the minutes confirming the SPC’s decision on this matter can be found here.

June 2024

On 20 May 2024, a Special Council meeting was convened to decide if the Council would accept APIL’s plan for advertising. According to the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015, the Town had 14 days from the receipt of APIL’s additional information to accept the PSP for advertising, making 20 May the statutory deadline. However, the meeting was adjourned until 4 June 2024 to give Elected Members more time to thoroughly review APIL’s PSP and the Council Report before making a decision. The meeting resumed on 4 June 2024 at the Town’s Administration Building in the Council Chambers and the Council resolved to reaffirm its Decision made on 7 May 2024 to not accept the Precinct Structure Plan submitted by APIL Group on 9 February 2024 for the Floreat Activity Centre.

Due to the adjournment and the deadline's passing, the WA Planning Commission has now deemed APIL's PSP accepted for advertising purposes. As per the Regulations, the Town must advertise APIL's PSP by 18 June 2024. However, following the Council's decision on 4 June, the Town will not advertise it.

March 2024

As our media release issued on 7 March stated, the Town of Cambridge has requested further information on APIL’s Precinct Structure Plan.  A summary of that further information can be found here.

Latest News: Town of Cambridge sends Floreat Forum plan back to APIL


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Who is advertising APIL’s PSP?

APIL’s PSP is being advertised by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH).  The advertising period is from 9 August 2024 – 23 September 2024.

The DPLH is undertaking the advertising following the decision by the Statutory Planning Committee (SPC) on 10 July 2024. 

On 7 May 2024, Council resolved at a Special Council Meeting not to accept APIL’s PSP for advertising.  After the statutory deadlines passed, the WAPC deemed APIL’s PSP accepted by advertising and referred the matter to the SPC for consideration at the 10 July 2024 meeting.

Q. How do I make a submission on APIL’s PSP?

The advertising period is open from 9 August – 23 September 2024. 

All submissions must be made directly to the DPLH by Monday 23 September 2024. 

The DPLH will forward all submissions received to the Town at the end of the advertising period.  The Town will review the submissions and prepare a report to Council with a recommendation to WAPC.

You can make a submission:

  • Online via the online submission form: Make a submission
  • By email to FloreatPSP@dplh.wa.gov.au
  • By mail to Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (attention to Metro Central North team) Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6000

Q. Where can I view APIL’s PSP?

You can view APIL’s PSP online via the DPLH website: view APIL’s PSP

Hard copies of the PSP are also available for viewing at:

  • The Town of Cambridge Administration Centre, 1 Bold Park Drive Floreat WA 6014.
  • Cambridge Library, 99 The Boulevard Floreat WA 6014

Q. What happens after the advertising period is finished?

The DPLH will provide all submissions received in relation to APIL’s PSP to the Town for consideration at the conclusion of the advertising period.  They may also provide any submission received after the advertising period to the Town.

The Town will consider the submissions received and prepare a report to Council, to be provided to the WAPC.  The report will be developed based on the submissions received as well as the Town’s assessment of APIL’s PSP. The Town’s assessment will consider the Local Planning Strategy and relevant legislation and regulations relating to planning and development in Western Australia.

The report will include a recommendation from the Town on whether or not to accept APIL’s PSP.  It will also include recommendations from the Town on any proposed modifications the Town feels should be made to APIL’s PSP.

Q. Who will be the final decision maker for APIL’s PSP?

The WAPC is the final decision maker on APIL’s PSP. 

The Town will provide a report to the WAPC following the advertising period.  This report will include the Town’s recommendation on whether or not to accept APIL’s PSP and recommendations for any proposed modifications the Town feels should be made to APIL’s PSP.  In producing the Town’s report, the Town will consider the submissions received during the advertising period; the Town’s Local Planning Strategy and the relevant legislation and regulations relating to planning and development in Western Australia.

Q. Has a Precinct Structure Plan been lodged with the Town?

Yes. The owners of the Floreat Forum (APIL) have prepared a Precinct Structure Plan for the Floreat Activity Centre and lodged it with the Town in February 2024.

At the Special Council Meeting on 7 May 2024, the Council resolved not to accept APIL’s PSP, stating that it did not meet the requirements for a PSP under the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015 and was not consistent with the Town’s Local Planning Strategy 2021. The Council, reaffirming its decision from the 19 December 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting, concluded that an externally developed PSP by the landowner was unnecessary and that the community's best interests would be served by preparing the Town’s own PSP.

On 10 July 2024, the Statutory Planning Committee of the Western Australian Planning Commission made a decision to advertise APIL’s PSP for public consultation.  APIL’s PSP is being advertised from 9 August – 23 September 2024.

Q. Who is preparing the Precinct Structure Plan?

The owners of the Floreat Forum (APIL) have prepared a Precinct Structure Plan for the Floreat Activity Centre and lodged it with the Town. A Precinct Structure Plan may be prepared by the local government, a landowner within the precinct or an agent on behalf of a landowner within the precinct. The Town is also preparing its own Precinct Structure Plan for the Floreat Activity Centre.

Q. What is APIL's process of a Precinct Structure Plan?

The State Government regulates the process that local governments must follow for Precinct Structure Plans. This is covered in Schedule 2 Part 4 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 and more succinctly summarised in the WA Planning Manual Guidance for Structure Plans

In summary, the steps for a Precinct Structure Plan being lodged (i.e. a plan not prepared by the local government, such as APIL’s PSP), include:

  1. The proponent submits a Precinct Structure Plan to the local government;

  2. The local government has up to 28 days to confirm that the Precinct Structure Plan contains sufficient information and is in the required ‘manner and form’. In the event there is insufficient information, additional time may be required. The Town advised APIL and their consultants in March 2024 that additional information was required for their Precinct Structure Plan.

  3. After 14 days from receipt of the additional information, if the Precinct Structure Plan’s ‘manner and form’ meets the minimum requirements, the local government must ‘accept’ the Precinct Structure Plan for lodgement and must proceed to advertise the Precinct Structure Plan to the public within 28 days of accepting the Plan. Council resolved on 7 May not to accept APIL’s PSP for advertising and confirmed it will not proceed to advertise APIL’s PSP.

  4. The WAPC must advertise a Precinct Structure Plan for a minimum 42 days. The WAPC will advertise the PSP as Council has resolved not to advertise APIL’s PSP. On 10 July 2024, the Statutory Planning Committee of the WAPC decided to advertise APIL’s PSP.  APIL’s PSP is being advertised from 9 August – 23 September 2024.During the advertising period, community members are able to provide specific feedback on the proposed Precinct Structure Plan (APIL’s PSP). Submissions on APIL’s PSP will be sent to DPLH.  You can make a submission before 23 September by:
    • Completing the online submission form: Make a submission
    • By email to FloreatPSP@dplh.wa.gov.au
    • By mail to Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (attention to Metro Central North team) Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6000
  5. Following advertising of the Precinct Structure Plan, the local government then undertakes an assessment. The DPLH will forward all submissions received to the Town at the end of the advertising period.  The Town will review the submissions and prepare a report to Council with a recommendation to WAPC. The assessment considers the submissions received during the advertising period and the local government Administration prepares a report to Council which includes a recommendation. Council then makes a recommendation on whether or not to support the Precinct Structure Plan and forwards this to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC). The WAPC is the decision making authority for Precinct Structure Plans.

  6. The WAPC will then consider the Precinct Structure Plan for approval. The WAPC will take into consideration the local government’s report, submissions made during the advertising period, and the state and local planning framework in making its decision.

Q. What is the Town’s role in APIL's PSP?

In the case of APIL’s Precinct Structure Plan, the Town's role is to assess the Precinct Structure Plan in accordance with the provisions of State Planning Policy 7.2 – Precinct Design once the advertising period is completed. The DPLH will forward all submissions it has received to the Town at the end of the advertising period.  The Town will review the submissions and prepare a report to Council with a recommendation to WAPC.

The Town's Administration will then provide a report to Council, which then makes a recommendation to the WAPC (who is the final determining authority).

Q. What if I am concerned about change in the Floreat area?

You can provide comments on APIL’s draft Precinct Structure Plan during the public advertising period from 9 August – 23 September 2024.

The Town strongly encourages the community to raise any comments and concerns in a submission when APIL’s Precinct Structure Plan is advertised.

All submissions must be made directly to the DPLH by Monday 23 September 2024. 

The DPLH will forward all submissions received to the Town at the end of the advertising period.  The Town will review the submissions and prepare a report to Council with a recommendation to WAPC.

You can make a submission:

  • Completing the online submission form: Make a submission
  • By email to FloreatPSP@dplh.wa.gov.au
  • By mail to Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (attention to Metro Central North team) Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6000

You can view APIL’s PSP online via the DPLH website: view APIL’s PSP

Hard copies of the PSP are also available for viewing at:

  • The Town of Cambridge Administration Centre, 1 Bold Park Drive Floreat WA 6014.
  • Cambridge Library, 99 The Boulevard Floreat WA 6014

Q. Who will make the final decision?

The final decision for APIL’s PSP will be made by the WAPC.

The Town will provide a report to the WAPC following the advertising period.  This report will include the Town’s recommendation on whether or not to accept APIL’s PSP and recommendations for any proposed modifications the Town feels should be made to APIL’s PSP.  In producing the Town’s report, the Town will consider the submissions received during the advertising period; the Town’s Local Planning Strategy and the relevant legislation and regulations relating to planning and development in Western Australia.

Q. How can I be involved?

You can get involved in the process for APIL’s PSP  through:

  • Public Advertising: Make a submission on APIL’s PSP during the advertising period (9 August – 23 September 2024). . All submissions must be made directly to the DPLH by Monday 23 September 2024.  You can make a submission:
    • By completing the online submission form: Make a submission
    • By email to FloreatPSP@dplh.wa.gov.au
    • By mail to Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (attention to Metro Central North team) Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6000
  • Staying Informed: Follow updates on the Town’s website and register for Community Consultation email alerts.
  • Direct Communication: Send personal feedback or inquiries to  mail@cambridge.wa.gov.au or phone (08) 9347 6000. Specific questions about the advertising process for APIL’s PSP should be directed to the DPLH on (08) 6551 8002 or info@dplh.wa.gov.au