A report incorporating community submissions and an Administration evaluation of the Town of Cambridge's precinct structure plan was presented at the November 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting, with a recommendation for the WA Planning Commission (WAPC) to approve the Town-led PSP and reject the APIL-led PSP.
The Floreat Activity Centre is planned to be a lively area with a mix of homes, shops, and businesses. Key features, including the Floreat Forum shopping centre and Cambridge Library, are at the heart of this area.
To ensure development aligns with community and strategic goals, the Town of Cambridge, working with the community, has developed a detailed Precinct Structure Plan (PSP)(PDF, 106MB).
Latest Update
November 2024
The public consultation period inviting comments on the Town-led PSP closed on 4 November.
The Town considered the submissions and prepared a report to Council for the 26 November 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting with a recommendation to the WAPC.
Council unanimously voted in favour of Administration's recommendation that the WAPC approve the Town-led draft PSP, prepared by GHD, as it reflected community priorities, preserved the area’s leafy character, aligned with the Town’s Local Planning Strategy, and met State Government density targets for 2050.
Both PSPs, by the Town of Cambridge and APIL Group, will be considered by the WAPC at a later date.
News: Council Endorses Town-led Floreat Plan, Opposes APIL’s Proposal
October 2024
The Town held community drop-in sessions at the Boulevard Centre to present the draft PSP and assist community members with any questions during the advertising period. Sessions were held on:
- Tuesday, 8 October, 4:30pm - 6:30pm
- Friday, 18 October, 10am - 12pm
- Saturday, 26 October, 2pm - 4pm
September 2024
The Town of Cambridge has prepared a draft Precinct Structure Plan for the Floreat Activity Centre. The Precinct Structure Plan covers land bound by the Boulevard,Hornsey Road, Oceanic Drive and Howtree Place.
The draft plan is now open for community consultation until 4 November.
You’re invited to have your say on the draft plan. Your feedback is important as it will help shape the final plan.
Watch the latest update from the Community Working Group:
August 2024
The draft Floreat Precinct Structure Plan has progressed to final review
The Town of Cambridge is pleased to announce that the draft Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) for the Floreat Activity Centre is on track and now in its final stages of preparation. Once a draft plan is ready, it will be considered by the Town’s Council. If the plan is endorsed by the Council, the draft PSP will be published for community feedback.
To support the community with providing informed feedback, the Town will host drop-in sessions at the Boulevard Centre. These sessions will allow the community to engage with the Project team, ask questions, and understand key elements of the PSP.
The Town encourages all members of the community to engage in these sessions and help shape the future of Floreat’s vibrant community.
Dates and times for the drop-in sessions will be announced once the Council review period has been completed.
July 2024
Connectivity x Landscape Integration to Shape a Humming Floreat Social Hub
The Community Working Group participated in a workshop on 25 June, discussing land use, urban structure, and built form design considerations for the PSP.
The Town’s Floreat PSP development will be guided by a design review process that focusses on six key performance-based elements:
- Urban ecology, including how trees are integrated into a future development;
- Urban structure, how shops and residents relate to movement and public areas;
- The design of the public spaces;
- Traffic and people movement;
- Land use; and,
- Built form, that is, the height and scale of new buildings.
A critical aspect of the design will consider how to integrate activity, movement, and landscape throughout the activity centre hub to enhance movement and visual connectivity with the surrounding landscape and destinations.
The PSP aims to create a seamless transition between residential areas and the garden-like interface of the activity centre through well-planned urban design and landscaping. This approach will enhance pedestrian activity and mobility, integrating the Floreat Activity Centre with its garden suburb surrounding.
Watch an update from Community Working Group member Anthony McKinley below:
June 2024
Floreat Activity Centre PSP - Community Update
Hear from Community Working Group member Ally Oliver as he discusses the Floreat Activity Centre Precinct Structure Plan (PSP), its objectives, community engagement efforts, and how the plan will shape the future of Floreat.
4 June 2024
A project meeting with the CWG and GHD was held to further discuss the project schedule and key milestone
timeframe expectations. GHD discussed the initial context and issues analysis undertaken for the precinct which
will be further explored and detailed in a report to be provided at a later date.
GHD and the Town jointly executed a change to the contract to incorporate the CWG into the project.
6 June 2024
The Town received the draft Stakeholder and Community Engagement Plan (SCEP) for review. Feedback from the
CWG was provided to GHD.
12 June 2024
The Town received the draft Context and Opportunities Summary (COS) for review. Feedback from the CWG was
provided to GHD.
19 June 2024
The revised SCEP was completed by GHD and a change to the contract sought by GHD to incorporate the additional
engagement activities identified by the CWG in the SCEP.
25 June 2024
A workshop with the CWG and GHD was held to provide an update on the work progress and to discuss the constraints and opportunities identified for the precinct. GHD presented on key precinct planning matters which included the early inputs of economic analysis, built form and public realm opportunities and constraints of the precinct. GHD presented the CWG with details for the video project updates to be delivered as part of the community engagement and scheduling future opportunities for further communication videos.
May 2024
At the Special Council Meeting on 7 May 2024, the Council resolved not to accept APIL’s PSP, stating that it did not meet the requirements for a PSP under the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015 and was not consistent with the Town’s Local Planning Strategy 2021. The Council, reaffirming its decision from the 19 December 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting, concluded that an externally developed PSP by the landowner was unnecessary and that the community's best interests would be served by preparing the Town’s own PSP.
During the same meeting, the Council awarded the tender for preparing the Town’s PSP to GHD, with an expected delivery timeframe of up to six months for the draft PSP to be presented to the Council for advertising and adoption.
At the 23 April 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting, the Council resolved to establish a Community Working Group for the Floreat Activity Centre PSP. The terms of reference for the group were endorsed, and the following members were appointed at the 7 May 2024 Special Council Meeting:
- Mayor Gary Mack (Presiding Member)
- Cr Jane Cutler
- Cr Xavier Carr
- Cr Georgie Randklev
- Anthony McKinley (community member)
- Alistair Oliver (community member)
- Melanie Foley (community member)
The contract with GHD has been executed, and the first project meeting, which included members of the Community Working Group, was held on 22 May 2024.
The first Community Working Group meeting with the Town was held on 29 May 2024. Community Working Group meetings will continue on a regular basis and on occasions when required.
Q. What is a precinct?
Precincts are areas that demand more detailed planning and design focus due to their complexity or strategic significance. This can be due to mixed-use components, quality public transport infrastructure, higher population density, designation as activity centres, or their unique character, heritage and/or ecological value.
Q. What is an activity centre?
Activity centres are urban areas with a mix of commercial, residential, and other uses. They serve as community hubs where people live, work, shop, meet, and relax. Varying in size and function, activity centres are usually well-connected by public and active transport. They can include shops, restaurants, housing, entertainment, tourism, community services, education, and medical facilities.
There are seven types of activity centres according to State Planning Policy 4.2 (SPP 4.2.). The Floreat activity centre is classified as a ‘Direct Centre’ in this hierarchy.
What is a Precinct Structure Plan (PSP)?
A Precinct Structure Plan is a strategic document that outlines a framework for the future planning and potential development of an area. It makes recommendations on aspects including zoning, subdivision, development, and design criteria for future development projects.
It is important to note that a Precinct Structure Plan differs from a Development Application. Once a Precinct Structure Plan is approved for Floreat, any actual development or construction will still require a development application/s. These applications are then assessed against the endorsed Precinct Structure Plan.
Precinct Structure Plans are prepared in line with State Government’s State Planning Policy 7.2 – Precinct Design and follow a standardised format outlined in this policy and the WA Planning Manual – Guidance for Structure Plans. While a Precinct Structure Plan may include illustrative images of buildings, these are not always reflective of the specific design controls proposed by the Precinct Structure Plan and are meant only for context. They do not necessarily represent the actual designs that will be approved through a Development Application.
Who is preparing the Precinct Structure Plan?
A Precinct Structure Plan can be developed by the local government, a landowner within the precinct or an agent representing a landowner within the precinct. The Town has prepared the draft Precinct Structure Plan for Floreat.
Community input collected from the February and March 2024 visioning workshops and open sessions have been incorporated into the development of the Town’s plan.
Additionally, the owners of the Floreat Forum (APIL) have submitted their own Precinct Structure Plan for the Floreat Activity Centre to the Town. This is not associated to the Town’s Precinct Structure Plan.
Why is a Precinct Structure Plan being prepared for the Floreat Forum locality?
All local governments across metropolitan Perth have a role in accommodating a growing population. Like other local governments, the Town has an adopted Local Planning Strategy that describes how future growth within the Town will be accommodated. The Town’s Local Planning Strategy describes numerous ‘Planning Consolidation Areas’ where most future growth and activity is expected to be accommodated. The Floreat Activity Centre is one of the Planning Consolidation Areas identified.
Preparing a Precinct Structure Plan for the Floreat Activity Centre ensures growth expected in this area is well planned.
What is the process to prepare a Precinct Structure Plan?
The State Government regulates the process that local governments must follow for Precinct Structure Plans. This is detailed in Schedule 2 Part 4 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 and summarised further in the WA Planning Manual Guidance for Structure Plans.
The key steps in preparing the Town’s Precinct Structure Plan are as follows:
- Drafting/Preparation: Creating a draft of Precinct Structure Plan along with the necessary technical studies, including consultation and input from relevant stakeholders.
- Council Review: Gaining Council approval to advertise the draft Precinct Structure Plan for public comment.
- Submission Review: The Town reviews the feedback, makes any updates to the draft plan, and prepares a report for the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) recommending approval of the Precinct Structure Plan.
- WAPC Decision: The WAPC assess the Precinct Structure Plan, considering whether to approve, modify (which may necessitate re-advertising) or refuse the plan.
- The Precinct Structure Plan becomes operational and is used to assess future developments.
How many more dwellings are expected in the area?
The Town’s Local Planning Strategy projects that the Floreat Activity Centre will need to accommodate between 900 to 1,250 new dwellings to achieve the density targets established by the State Government, along with providing 11,000 square meters of employment floorspace.
The draft Floreat Precinct Structure Plan is estimated to generate opportunity for just over 1,000 new dwellings, together with new commercial areas and improvements to the public realm.
Has feedback from the community shaped the draft Precinct Structure Plan?
The Town has been engaging with the community on the future of the Floreat area for a number of years. This has included feedback on the Local Planning Strategy, which defined the Floreat Activity Centre as a key area of the Town that can accommodate future population growth.
Further, community input collected from the February and March 2024 visioning workshops and open sessions have been incorporated into the development of the draft plan. Following the early 2024 engagement, a Community Working Group was established by the Town to work with the Town’s Administration and appointed consultants to ensure engagement and transparency in the preparation of the draft Precinct Structure Plan. The Working Group members comprise of:
The inaugural meeting of the Community Working Group with the Town took place on 29 May 2024. The Group continued to meet regularly throughout the draft plans preparation.
Who is the decision-maker for the Floreat PSP?
The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is responsible for making decisions on a Precinct Structure Plan. After completing its assessment and review, the WAPC may choose to either approve the Floreat PSP (with or without modifications), or refuse it.
What will guide the consideration of the Floreat PSP by the WAPC?
The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) will evaluate each validly lodged Precinct Structure Plan on its merits, considering all relevant planning issues, including its alignment with the applicable planning framework.
For the Floreat PSP, the relevant planning framework includes:
How can I be involved?
You can get involved in the process for the Town’s Precinct Structure Plan by:
- Staying Informed: Look out for updates on the Town’s website and register for Community Consultation email alerts.
- Public Advertising: The Town-led draft PSP is open for consultation until 4 November 2024. Make a submission