Completed DAPs or Subject to Appeal

 Completed or subject to appeal

DAP Ref: DAP/20/01911

Property Location: Lot 800 (No.29-33) Northwood Street, West Leederville 

Details: Three Storey Care Premises and Associated Office 

Meeting date and time: Thursday, 28 November 2024, at 9:30am (AWST)

MinutesClick here

Decision: Refer to Minutes


DAP Ref: DAP/24/02726

Property Location: Lot 514 (No.165) Cambridge Street, West Leederville 

Details: Proposed change of use to Community Purpose and associated renovations 

Meeting date and time: Tuesday, 17 September 2024, at 9:30am (AWST)

Minutes: Click Here

Decision: Approved


DAP Ref: DAP/18/01384

Property Location: Lot 2 (No. 130) and Lot 3 (No.132) Brookdale Street, Floreat

Details: Child-Care Centre

Meeting date and time: Wednesday, 13 March 2024, at 9:30am (AWST)

Minutes: Click Here

Decision: Approved

DAP Ref: DAP/23/02466

Property Location: Lot 30 (No.187) Salvado Road, Jolimont

Details: Seven-Storey Apartment Building

Meeting date and time: Wednesday, 13 March 2024, at 9:30am (AWST)

Minutes: Click Here

Decision: Approved


DAP Ref: DAP/23/02466

Property Location: Lot 30 (No. 187) Salvado Road, Jolimont

Details: Seven Storey Residential Building with 48 Apartments

Meeting date and time: Thursday, 17 August 2023 via Zoom; 9:30am   

Minutes: Click Here

Decision: Approved

DAP Ref: DAP/22/0229

Property Location: Lot 11 (No. 413) Vincent Street, West Leederville

Details: Two-Storey Childcare Centre

Meeting date and time: Tuesday, 6 September 2022; 9:30am

Minutes: Click Here

Decision: Refused

DAP Ref: DAP/18/01481

Property Location: Lot 26 (No. 12) and Lot 27 (No. 2) Hortus Way, Jolimont

Details: Amended DA for 63 Apartments and associated car parking

Meeting date and time: 15 December 2021; 9:00am   

Minutes: Click Here

Decision: Approved 

DAP Ref: DAP/19/01684               

Property Location: Lot 30 (No. 187) Salvado Road, Jolimont

Details: Modification to JDAP Approval – Removal of Condition 10 and Amendments to Plans 

Meeting date and time: 21 June 2021; 9.00am   

Minutes: Click Here

Decision: Approved

DAP Ref: DAP/20/01911

Property Location: Lot 226, 703 and 704 (29-33) Northwood Street, West Leederville

Details: Mixed-Use Development (Child Care Premises and Office)

Meeting date and time: 2 March 2021; 9.00am 

Minutes: Click here

Decision: Approved 

DAP Ref: DAP/18/01384              

Property Location: Lot 2 (No. 130) and Lot 3 (No. 132) Brookdale Street, Floreat

Details: Child Day Care Centre - Modification to Condition 5 Wording (Median Strip Extension) of Child Care Centre

Meeting date and time: 2 October 2020; 9.00am

Minutes: Click here

Decision: Approved 

Property Location: Lot 2 (No. 130) and Lot 3 (No. 132) Brookdale Street, Floreat

Details: Child Care Premises

Meeting date and time: 6 February 2020; 9:30am 

Minutes: Click here

Decision: Approved 


DAP Ref: DAP/20/01799

Property Location: Lot 29 (No.7) Allison Drive and Lot 31 (No.185) Salvado Road, Jolimont

Details: Nursing Home

Meeting date and time: 27 August 2020; 9.00am

Meeting location:  Town of Cambridge Council Chambers - 1 Bold Park Drive, Floreat

Minutes: Click here

Decision: Approved 


Property Location: Lot 2 (No. 130) and Lot 3 (No. 132) Brookdale Street, Floreat

Details: Child Care Premises

Meeting date and time: 6 February 2020; 9:30am 

Minutes: Click here

Decision: Approved 


Property Location: Lot 11 & 19 (No. 240-250) Railway Parade, Lots 12, 30 & 31 (2-4) Rosslyn Street, West Leederville

Details: Mixed Use Development comprising of 2 towers (8 and 10 storeys) and 3 levels of basement car parking

Meeting date and time: 16 December 2019; 9:00am 

Minutes: Click here

Decision:  Approved 


Property Location: Lot 2 (No. 51) Cambridge Street, West Leederville

Details: Three-Storey Mixed Use Development Comprising One Office, Six Multiple

Meeting date and time: 19 November 2019; 9:00am 

Minutes: Click here

Decision:  Approved 


Property Location: 61-69 Cambridge Street, West Leederville

Details: Expansion of Abbotsford Private Hospital including the construction of a six (6) storey addition to accommodate a total of 78 beds on site (as amended)

Meeting date and time: 21 October 2019; 9:00am 

Minutes: Click here

Decision: Approved 


Property Location: Lots 11 (240-242) and 19 (246-250) Railway Parade, Lots 12 and 30 (2) Rosslyn Street and Lot 15493 Harms Lane, West Leederville

Details: Demolition of existing buildings, mixed use commercial and residential development

Meeting date and time: 19 June 2019; 10:00am

Minutes: Click here

Decision: Approved 

Property Location: Lot 587 (No. 264) Selby Street, Wembley

Details: Child Day Care Centre

Meeting date and time: 6 June 2019; 1:00pm

Minutes: Click here

Decision: Approved 


Property Location: Lot 62 (No. 122) Kimberley Street, West Leederville

Details: 19 Multiple Dwellings

Meeting date and time: 23 April 2019; 10:00am

Minutes: Click here

Decision: Approved 


Property Location: Lot 28 (No. 18) Hortus Way, Jolimont

Details: 49 Multiple Dwellings 

Meeting date and time: 7 March 2019; 9:00am

Minutes: Click here

Decision: Approved


Property Location: Lot 181 (No. 61-69) Cambridge Street, West Leederville

Details: Six-storey expansion of existing Abbotsford Private Hospital to include a total of 81 beds

Meeting date and time: 30 January 2019; 9:00am

Minutes: Click here

Decision: Refused


Property Location: Lot 587 (No. 264) Selby Street, Wembley

Details: Two-Storey Child Day Care Centre

Meeting date and time: 21 January 2019; 9:00am

Minutes: Click here

Decision: Refused


Property Location: Lot 26 (No. 12) & Lot 27 (No. 2) Hortus Way, Jolimont

Details: Six-storey multiple dwelling with 71 apartments

Meeting date and time: 14 December 2018; 9:00am

Minutes: Click here

Decision: Approved

Property Location: Lot 78 (No. 352) Cambridge Street, Wembley

Details: Five-storey mixed use development comprising 34 multiple dwelling and two commercial tenancies

Meeting date and time: 8 November 2018; 9:30am

Minutes: Click here

Decision: Approved


Property: Lot 25 (No. 22) Pollen Grove, Jolimont

Details:  Six storey multiple dwelling building including 46 apartments

Meeting date and time: 21 September 2018

MinutesView Minutes

Decision: Approved


Property: Lot 232 (No. 1) Finishline View & Lots 233 (No. 29) Stadium Drive, Floreat

Details:  Mixed Use Development Comprising 162 Multiple Dwellings and a Restaurant/Café

Meeting date and time: 30 August 2018

MinutesView Minutes

Decision: Approved


Property: Lots 2 & 3 (No. 130 and 132) Brookdale Street, Floreat

Details:  Child Care Centre

Meeting date and time: 10 July 2018

MinutesView Minutes

Decision: Refused


Property: Lots 226, 702, 703 and 704 (Nos. 29-33) Northwood Street, West Leederville

Details:  Form 2 Application: Six Storey Mixed Use Development Comprising 66 Multiple dwellings and Two Commercial Tenancies

Meeting date and time: 10 July 2018

MinutesView Minutes

Decision: Approved


Property: Lot 232 (No.1) Finishline View and Lot 233 (No.29) Stadium Drive, Floreat

Details:  Form 2 Application: Mixed use development comprising 162 multiple dwellings and a restaurant.

Meeting date and time: 28 February 2018

MinutesView Minutes

Decision: Approved


Property Location: Lot 20 (No. 12) Salvado Road, Subiaco

Details: Six-storey expansion of an existing multi-storey car park at St John of God Hospital

Meeting date and time: 8 January 2018

MinutesView Minutes

Decision: Approved


Property Location: Lot 162 (No. 50) Ruislip Street, West Leederville

Details: Additions to the Catholic Education Centre

Meeting date: 20 December 2017

MinutesView Minutes

Decision: Approved

Property Location: Lot 28 (No. 18) Hortus Way, Jolimont

Details: Six-storey residential development comprising 50 multiple dwellings

Meeting date: 27 November 2017

MinutesView Minutes

Decision: Approved

Property Location: Lot 226, 702-704 (No. 29-33) Northwood Street, West Leederville

Details: Six-storey mixed use development comprising 64 multiple dwellings and two commercial tenancies

Amendment: Extension of Time Request

Meeting date: 22 May 2017

MinutesView Minutes

Decision: Refused

Property Location: Lot 232 (No. 1) Finishline View and Lot 233 (No. 29) Stadium Drive, Floreat

Details: Mixed use development comprising 162 multiple dwellings and a restaurant

Meeting date: 23 January 2017

MinutesView Minutes

Decision: Approved

Property Location: Lot 501 (No. 7-9) Loftus Street, Lot 500 (No. 3) Bermondsey Street & Lot 6 (No. 8) MacEwan Street, West Leederville 

Details: Eight-storey mixed use development comprising five floors of commercial tenancies and three floors of residential development (20 multiple dwellings) - extension of approval timeframe

Meeting date: 10 January 2017

MinutesView Minutes

Decision: Approved

Property Location: Lots 226, 702-704 (No. 29-33) Northwood Street, West Leederville

Details: Six-storey mixed use development comprising 64 multiple dwellings and two commercial tenancies - extension of approval timeframe

Meeting date: 20 June 2016

MinutesView Minutes

Decision: Approved 

Property Location: Lots 1, 347 and 350 (No. 32-38) Pangbourne Street, corner Ruislip Street, Wembley

Details: Redevelopment of Koh-I-Noor Nursing Home

Meeting date: 28 April 2016

MinutesView Minutes

Decision: Approved  

Property Location: Lot 1 (No. 3) Oxford Close, West Leederville

Details: Four-storey building including three levels of office, undercroft parking at ground level, a light emitting diode (LED) advertising sign and cafe/local shop at ground floor

Meeting date: 13 November 2015

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Decision: Approved  

Property Location: Lot 78 (No. 352) Cambridge Street, Wembley

Details: Five-storey mixed use development comprising 34 multiple dwellings and one commercial tenancy

Meeting date: 2 November 2015

MinutesView Minutes

Decision: Approved  

Property Location: Lot 5 (No. 187) Cambridge Street, Wembley

Details: Additions and alterations to existing hospital (Marian Centre) - Stage 2

Meeting date: 5 August 2015

MinutesView Minutes

Decision: Approved    

Property Location: Lot 18 (No. 164) Railway Parade, West Leederville

Details: 155 multiple dwelling development

Meeting date: 15 July 2015

MinutesView Minutes

Decision: Approved    

Property Location: Lot 243 (No. 3) Kilpa Court, City Beach

Details: Mixed use development comprising 24 multiple dwellings, four offices and one restaurant

Meeting date: 15 July 2015

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Decision: Refused

Property Location: Lot 62 (No. 122) Kimberley Street, West Leederville

Details: 19 multiple dwellings

Meeting date: 11 May 2015

MinutesView Minutes

Decision: Approved    

Property Location: Lots 226, 702-704 (No. 29-33) Northwood Street, West Leederville

Details: Six-storey mixed use development comprising 66 multiple dwellings and two commercial tenancies

Meeting date: 5 May 2015

MinutesView Minutes

Decision: Approved  

Property Location: Lot 5 (No. 187) Cambridge Street, Wembley

Details: The Marian Centre - Additions and alterations to existing hospital

Meeting date: 8 December 2014

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Decision: Approved  

Property Location: Lot 1 (No. 3) Oxford Close, West Leederville

Details: Three-storey building including two levels of office, undercroft parking at ground level and a light emitting diode (LED) advertising sign

Meeting date: 24 November 2014

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Decision: Refused

Property Location: Lot 170 and 171 (No. 172) Railway Parade, West Leederville

Details: Two multi-storey residential apartment buildings - comprising 143 multiple dwellings and basement car parking

Meeting date: 24 November 2014

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Decision: Approved    

Property Location: Lot 501 (No. 7-9) Loftus Street, Lot 500 (No. 3) Bermondsey Street and Lot 6 (No. 8) MacEwan Street, West Leederville

Details: Eight-storey mixed use development comprising five floors of commercial tenancies and three floors of residential development (20 multiple dwellings)

Meeting date: 12 November 2014

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Decision: Approved    

Property Location: 21-23 Northwood Street, West Leederville

Details: Seven-storey mixed use development

Meeting date: 12 November 2014

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Decision: Approved    

Property Location: Lot 66, 70-72 (No. 334-336) Cambridge Street, Wembley

Details: Seven-storey mixed use development including 69 multiple dwellings

Meeting date: 14 January 2014

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Decision: Approved    

Property Location: Lot 1, 347 and 350 (No. 32-38) Pangbourne Street, corner Ruislip Street, Wembley

Details: Additions and alterations to Koh-I-Noor Nursing Home

Meeting date: 14 January 2014

MinutesView Minutes

Decision: Approved  

Property Location: Lot 520 Selby Street, Jolimont

Details: State Netball Centre with associated parking, access road and landscaping

Meeting date: 27 February 2013

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Decision: Approved     

Property Location: 110 Cambridge Street, West Leederville

Meeting date: 21 August 2012

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Decision: Approved